Swimming Pool: How to Save Water, Best Practice Guide

When owning a swimming pool, saving water is essential to enjoy your pool serenely without impacting your budget and the environment..

"According to ADEME, a swimming pool can consume up to 80 m3 of water per year."

Fortunately, there are many solutions to reduce your pool's water consumption and fully enjoy the summer without feeling guilty.

Water Saving Techniques

1. Pool Cover

Evaporation is one of the main factors of water loss in a pool. By covering your pool when it's not in use, you can reduce evaporation by up to 80%. There are different types of pool covers, such as bubble covers, bar covers, and roller shutters.

2. Water Level Regulator

A water level regulator helps maintain the water level of your pool constant. This prevents overflow and excessive refills, which can waste a lot of water.

3. Solar Shower

Installing a solar shower at the entrance of your pool allows swimmers to rinse off before entering the water. This helps reduce the amount of dirt and chemicals in the water, reducing the need to renew it.

Other Solutions

Choose an efficient filtration system. An effective filtration system keeps your pool water clean longer, reducing the need to change it.

Use eco-friendly maintenance products. There are many eco-friendly pool maintenance products that are just as effective as traditional chemicals but are less harmful to the environment.

By adopting a few simple gestures, you can significantly reduce your pool's water consumption and fully enjoy the summer guilt-free.

For more information:

Ministry of Ecological Transition and Solidarity: https://www.ecologie.gouv.fr/

Water Agency: https://www.lesagencesdeleau.fr/

Pool Cover: The Essential Ally for Saving Water and Protecting Your Pool
Pool Cover: The Essential Ally for Saving Water and Protecting Your Pool

Save water and protect your pool with a cover Water is a precious resource that it's important to preserve, especially during times of drought. Pools can be significant water consumers, but using a suitable pool cover can save you liters of water every day and protect your pool.

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